SUDx helps people with substance use disorders save and recover their lives.

Specialized Toxicology Panel
A panel that emphasizes tests providers need to most help patients achieve recovery while minimizing unnecessary testing.

Over 1M tests run since 2019
Stability Scores
A patient’s stability scores, which measure a patient’s likely response to standard interventions, including medication assisted treatment.
Historic Toxicology Results
A patient’s historic toxicology results graphically displayed, eliminating the need to reference multiple PDF files.
Tox Co-Pilot
Toxicology was ordered at patient's last visit on 06-03-24. The patient tested positive for Alcohol metabolite, Xylazine, Norfentanyl, Fentanyl, and Morphine in the sample collected at their last appointment.
SUDx’s digital tools enable providers to optimize treatment for patients with a substance use disorder (SUD) based on clinically validated algorithms.
SUDx’s digital tools enable providers to optimize treatment for patients with a substance use disorder (SUD) based on clinically validated algorithms.
Case Study

One of SUDx’s customers is MATClinics, the largest outpatient provider of addiction treatment in Maryland.

Serving a largely Medicaid patient population at eight locations throughout the state, it relies on SUDx for customizable toxicology testing, as well as proprietary analytics on the SUDx Dashboard, to improve both the efficacy of their care and the efficiency of their operations.
“Both the toxicology results and the Dashboard’s data analytics enable us to clarify where a patient is on their path to recovery, while estimating their adherence to treatment with a high degree of probability” said Dr. Enrique Oviedo, a triple board-certified psychiatrist specializing in addiction treatment who serves as the Chief Medical Officer for MATClinics.

“We can now tailor treatment resources to a patient’s needs in ways that we couldn’t before.”

In addition to operating a COLA-accredited lab, which is licensed by the State of Maryland and certified by CLIA, SUDx developed a Dashboard consisting of proprietary digital tools that identify the ≈ 10% of patients who are resistant to standard interventions, along with the ≈ 20% of patients who are likely to relapse.

“The opioid crisis has placed a demand on providers that’s difficult to overstate,” Dr. Oviedo said. “Having the best possible digital tools, including historic toxicology data, in the Dashboard has never been more important. "The SUDX Dashboard is an essential resource for any medical provider who treats substance use disorders."
Connect with the SUDx team to learn more about our toxicology services.
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